Soto led his team to victory in his match Mmmiiiiiiiiiii.
Manager 1
Ferro Carril 6 - 5 Santy 2015

Ferro Carril 6 - 5 Santy 2015 Friday, January 10, 2025

Soto led his team to victory in his match Mmmiiiiiiiiiii.

Ferro Carril Mmmiiiiiiiiiii

The Ferro Carril demonstrates its football and wins "Mmmiiiiiiiiiii"

Ferro Carril Joaco Club 4 - 6 Ferro Carril

Great football game of the Mmmiiiiiiiiiii.

Astillero Astillero 4 - 2 Ferro Carril

Great football game of the Super League 3-1.

Ferro Carril Ferro Carril 4 - 2 4 Vientos FC

Spectacular game of the Super League 3-1.

Santy 2015 Udmontecarlo 2 - 3 Santy 2015

Great football game of the Super League 5-1.

Santy 2015 Santy 2015 3 - 2 Atlantic FC

Great football game of the Super League 5-1.

Joaco Club Ferro Carril 4 - 6 Joaco Club

Great football game of the Mmmiiiiiiiiiii.

Ferro Carril Ferro Carril 3 - 2 Derossi

Many goals in a match in which Kieza has been the best.

Ferro Carril Change of leader at Super League 3-1.

The Ferro Carril becomes the new leader of the Super League 3-1 and gets chances to win the title.