Epic match in which the great performance of Yvet led his team to victory.
Manager 1
Hala Celta 5 - 3 Eccleston

Hala Celta 5 - 3 Eccleston Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Epic match in which the great performance of Yvet led his team to victory.

Eccleston Copa Libertadores

The Eccleston wins with authority the "Copa Libertadores"

Sinergis Hala Celta 2 - 4 Sinergis

Great football game of the Champions League.

Hala Celta Hala Celta 4 - 3 Equipazo

Spectacular game of the Super League.

Eccleston Velezcamp 2 - 4 Eccleston

Epic match in which the great performance of Hisao T. led his team to victory.

Hala Celta Txiki Kopa 80

The Hala Celta gets its title number 829 after winning the "Txiki Kopa 80"

Hala Celta Erreserba Kopa 40

The Hala Celta wins the "Erreserba Kopa 40"

Hala Celta King Kobra 4 - 5 Hala Celta

Great football game in which the Hala Celta has been imposed on King Kobra.

Club Brugge Club Brugge 6 - 4 Eccleston

Spectacular game of the Txiki Kopa 80.

Hala Celta Charro Uds 2 - 4 Hala Celta

Epic match in which the great performance of Mentor V. led his team to victory.

King Kobra Club Brugge 3 - 5 King Kobra

Many goals in a match in which Avalos has been the best.