Great football game of the Super League 3-4.
Manager 1
Hispania C.F 2 - 3 Ultima

Hispania C.F 2 - 3 Ultima Saturday, March 15, 2025

Great football game of the Super League 3-4.

Xinos Xinos 4 - 2 Hispania C.F

J. Kirabo led his team to victory in his match V Es Cinco Que Rima.

Hispania C.F El Gran Lito 2 - 3 Hispania C.F

Good match of V Es Cinco Que Rima (day: 2).

Reus Sc Superhot 2 - 3 Reus Sc

Great football game of the Super League 3-4.

Hispania C.F Los Diablos 2 - 4 Hispania C.F

Spectacular game of the V Es Cinco Que Rima.

Vallbona Reus Sc 4 - 6 Vallbona

Lozada led his team to victory in his match Super League 3-4.

Uruguay Rcd España 2 - 4 Uruguay

Amado led his team to victory in his match Super League 3-4.

Los Diablos Los Diablos 4 - 2 The Pures

Good match of Super League 3-4 (day: 13).

Hispania C.F Oigacomolotengo

The Hispania C.F wins the "Oigacomolotengo"

Ultima Change of leader at Super League 3-4.

The Ultima lead the Super League 3-4 and becomes the leading candidate to win the league title.